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Brain Scans

Brain Health Performance Assessment

  1. A baseline measurement for ATHLETES acts as a crucial safeguard, providing a reference point in case of trauma that could lead to a concussion.

  2. Baseline brain health testing for EVERYONE concerned with their neurological health.



Safeguard Your Mind: Essential for everyone prioritizing neurological health and critical for athletes — our baseline brain health testing measures your brain's current performance against standard benchmarks. Discover if your cognitive abilities are above, at, or below average. With these insights, we design a personalized program to boost your cognitive strengths, shore up weaknesses, and optimize overall brain health for peak performance and safety.

What We Measure

Your brain health assessment will assess the function of these systems:


We measure your height, weight, waist circumference, muscle quality, and body fat

Sleep Quality

We utilize a validated questionnaire to predict probable outcomes of a sleep study

Cognitive Performance

Research-validated tools to measure brain performance/function

Vestibular Function

Comfortable bedside assessments  to evaluate your vestibular function

Autonomic Function

Sympathetic (fight or flight) & Parasympathetic (rest and digest) balance


mCTSIB testing allows us to see how vision, vestibular and proprioception work for your balance

Spatial Awareness

This is critical for safety in sports, daily actives, and navigating your environment

Head/Neck Control

Assessing how your vision-neck-brain interact by using head-mounted lasers

Vision & Eye Movements

We assess binocular vision, eye alignment and dynamic eye movements - vision is more than how clear you can see

Cardiovascular Health

Listening to your heart and lungs can assess your brain-cardiac control

Sensory Performance

Cognitive-motor speed is a key indicator of aging, injury and neurological diseases


Your muscle function is a slave to your nervous system - we use a neurodevelopment approach to your analysis

Common Questions


Who should get a brain assessment?

Protect Your Brain:

Proactive Assessments for High-Risk Groups. Children (ages 12-18), athletes, and seniors are particularly vulnerable to concussions and brain injuries. We strongly advise these individuals to undergo early brain assessments to establish baseline measurements. This crucial step allows healthcare professionals to accurately diagnose and track recovery from brain injuries. While targeted at high-risk groups, everyone can benefit from a comprehensive brain health evaluation—take action today to safeguard your well-being tomorrow.


How often should someone get a brain assessment?

Stay Ahead with Essential Brain Health Assessments: 

If you experience a head injury or suspect neurological issues, immediate assessment is crucial. For contact and competitive sports participants, we recommend pre-season and inter-season evaluations to monitor brain health. High-risk groups, including children and seniors, should undergo annual assessments, while those at normal risk should consider evaluations every three years. Protect your neurological health with timely and regular assessments.


What happens if you find something wrong?

Comprehensive Health Reports and Personalized Care Plans: Our detailed reports outline your results across optimal, healthy, and abnormal ranges. Should your scores fall into the abnormal category, we advise a consultation with Dr. Burkhardt. Often, straightforward exercises can restore normal function quickly—within days to weeks. Depending on your needs, nutrition and nutraceuticals may also enhance your recovery. If initial interventions prove insufficient, Dr. Burkhardt will tailor a guided treatment plan to ensure your health is back on track.

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